Upcoming Security Events
News of the week
Annual Data Protection Compliance Conference
The keynote speaker is Richard Thomas, the UK Information Commissioner.
Information professionals will find it invaluable to attend this important
two-day event, which provides delegates with up to the minute compliance advice
and unparalleled networking opportunities.
Date : 2-3 October 2008
Venue : Central London, UK
Computer Science and Technology Conference
ICSTC aims to bring together a community of academics and industry
practitioners who are creating innovative applications by integrating advances
in computer science, software engineering, database, and business information
Date : 1-2 April 2009
Venue : San Diego, California,
The nuts and bolts of a security assessment
A year ago, the announcement of a patch for an operating system vulnerability
preceded an attack by an average of 30 days.
Cendant portal to deliver security, business benefits
A role-based access-control system is providing the underpinning for a new Web
portal being developed by the hotel division of Cendant Corp. that promises to
deliver a tangible ROI on a security investment.
Maybank unveils enhanced online security system for transactions
MALAYAN Banking Bhd (Maybank) is implementing a new enhanced online security
feature known as Transaction Authorisation Code or TAC, effective today, for
customers performing online banking transactions at Maybank2U.com.